Pregnancy test Jonax determines your pregnancy quickly and accurately.
Pregnancy test Jonax detects pregnancy quickly and accurately by detecting the presence of the hormone HCG * in the urine. During pregnancy, a woman’s body releases a hormone called human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), which is released by cells in the chorion (embryo). This hormone is excreted in the urine and is excreted in the first three months of pregnancy. Therefore, this is one of the first specific hormones in pregnancy.
Used by dipping the end of the strip in the urine. Test accuracy – more than 99%. It is possible to detect pregnancy in the early phase: approximately 14 days after conception (in the case of a 28-day menstrual cycle) or the test can be performed 5 days before the expected period (in the case of a 28-day menstrual cycle). The test can be performed at any time of the day, but you will get the most accurate results if you use it in the morning – the first morning urine usually contains the highest levels of the hormone hCG.
1 test strip.